More Illustrations of Problem, Solution, Symptom, Response

Situation > Past > Fate > Knowledge
(genre, plot, theme, character)

OS -
Problem: Knowledge;
Solution: Thought;
Symptom: Chaos;
Response: Order;

People have a fixed set of Knowledge that has been institutionalized.  This knowledge is focused on, as the be all end-all, but this causes problems as people have lost their ability to come to knowledge -- they just have it presented to them.

The Solution to this problem is to teach people to Think -- to teach them to create new Knowledge from their present understanding of the world.

People think that the problem is Chaos -- this is the result of static Knowledge leading behavior -- the Knowledge, while once relevant, no longer helps, but instead is hurting.  Application of the past faulty knowledge leads to chaotic results instead of the predictable ones people hope for.

Because people think the problem is Chaos, they think the solution is Order -- they believe that re-ordering their past empty knowledge is the solution to the problem -- they think that the problem would be resolved if only they could reorganize their old Knowledge, understand it more thoroughly, perhaps if they were more intelligent they could use the past knowledge.  However, Ordering, while every now and then might accidentally sync up with what the Knowledge that new Thought would bring, won't do so consistently.

Until people learn to Think again, create new Knowledge, and stop relying on old Knowledge, no significant progress will be made.

How does all this relate to change/steadfast characters and story outcome success or failure?
Steadfast - IF a steadfast character has correctly identified the problem and solution, he will likely have a success story.  IF he has misidentified the problem and solution (he believes them to be the symptom and response), he will likely have a failure outcome.

Change - IF a change character has correctly identified the problem and solution, he will likely have a failure outcome (he was on the right path and then changed).  IF he initially misidentified the problem and solution and then CHANGES to correctly identify them, he will likely meet a success outcome.

And what about stop/start?  Do these tie in too?  If so, how?

Subject for another post...

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